South Glamorgan

Paul and Katie


After finding a buyer for his cosmopolitan flat in Cardiff, Paul was eager to find a new home in the South Wales area. Having grown up in the countryside, Paul had many fond memories of living amongst green rolling hills and yearned to return to them for a more peaceful pace of life. However, best friend Katy, who came along to help with the property search, was sure that she knew what was best and hoped to steer him towards the stunning Welsh coastline instead.

With a budget of £230,000 their requirements included a minimum of 3 bedrooms and outside space.


After being shown 3 coastal and 3 countryside properties across the South Wales area, Paul ditched the countryside dream in favour of a coastal bay-fronted property situated in Barry Town. This gorgeous 4-bedroom house boasted high ceilings, outside space and was on the market under budget at £217,000. Paul made an offer of £212,500 for this property and it was accepted.